Christ Church Kids In Motion
Our goal in Christ Church KIDS is to create a safe, fun, and engaging place for our children to gather and learn about God’s love for them.

Christ Church KIDS In Motion is unique to our church, and inspired by Group’s Vacation Bible School program. Children will begin with Worship & Dance, then move to three different stations inside our building during their Sunday visit: Bible Adventure, Games, and Craft Exploration. Each station will dive deeper into the same biblical truth through multiple methods to reach kids of all learning styles. This style is an excellent fit for kids who don’t get excited about traditional Sunday school! Feel free to drop off your child in their room up to 15 minutes before service, as they will have fun, interactive game time while they wait for their stations to begin.
Children Pre-K through 5th grade can participate in this Kids In Motion program. Toddlers will egage in an age specific lesson and craft while staying in the toddler room.
Our Classes

Children will learn that God loves them through songs, prayer, and sensory activities.

Children will grow in their understanding of who God is and what the Bible teaches through lessons, group activities, songs, and prayer.

Children experience the Kids In Motion program explained above, and will grow in their knowledge and understanding of who God is and what the Bible teaches. They will develop an understanding of how to apply the truths in the bible, and share God’s love with others.
If this will be your family’s first time visiting, you’ll want to get your child(ren) checked in at our registration desk in the lobby. Please be sure to let us know if your child has any allergies (although snacks are only served in the toddler room).
First Time Checking In? Try our new PRE Check-In service here.
Your child’s safety is important to us. Each week you check in, you’ll receive a randomly assigned number that will be used to pick up your child. If you lose your child’s corresponding tag, you will need to present identification to receive your child.
Once your child has checked in, you can expect to be welcomed by our voluteers and for your child to experience a safe, fun and engaging environment. In each class kids will learn about God and what the Bible says, grow in relationships with peers, and be encouraged to live out what they’ve learned and share God’s love with others.
Please, no outside food in the rooms. We ask that your child(ren) finish their donuts or snacks outside the room before entering.
To insure the safety and health of all children, parents, and volunteers in our kid’s ministry, we will follow the health standards proposed by the American Academy of Pediatrics:
We do not accept a child into the classroom if he/she displays, or we are made aware of, any of the following symptoms:
- Fever (in the last 24 hours)
- Diarrhea and/or vomiting (in the last 24 hours)
- Pink eye or other eye infections (red, crusty, or watery discharge)
- Sore throat
- Sneezing or cough, if persistent and/or productive
- Colored nasal discharge white viral infection; yellow or green bacterial infection
- Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin)
- Any skin infections, sores and/or cuts on the scalp, face, or body particularly if red, swollen, draining, or spreading
- Skin eruptions or rash (other than diaper rash)
- Lice
- Swelling and tenderness of glands, particularly around the face and neck
- Any communicable diseases
Our volunteers are not permitted to administer medicine to children here at Christ Church KIDS. However, parents are welcome to administer medication to their own child.
Come early or stay after church and enjoy the playground behind the church!